Car takes down pole on Steuben Road
By Hecktown Fire Company
March 31, 2014

At approximately 1748 hours on March 31, the Hecktown Vol. Fire Co. was dispatched for a motor vehicle accident with no injuries in the area of Steuben Rd. and Township Line Rd. Initial reports indicated a vehicle into a pole. 5354 responded to the scene and initiated command, confirming a vehicle into a pole with the pole sheared and lying in the roadway. Command requested EMS to the scene to evaluate three patients due to symptoms of shock and a facial laceration. 5341 responded with staffing of 3 and secured the vehicle and controlled the leak of the transformer. The roadway was closed until repairs could be made by PPL. .

Units: 5341, 5344, 5349
Mutual Aid: 1781, Colonial Regional PD, Knechts Towing